and this is a powerful chance for you to really experience it.
This will be in the bulletin this Sunday but we felt that you needed to know this ASAP because it might mean making plans and commitments if you want to grab hold of this marvelous opportunity to experience training in the meaning of Evangelization in our Catholic tradition.
Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Catechists, Music Ministry folks, Loaves and Fishes Team, RCIA Team members and those who are on Parish Council and Finance Council, all are eligible for this opportunity for the Training. Others who may be interested are invited to inquire and if there are open seats they may be invited.
You who are leaders in these various ministries are requested to make sure that all those on your list receive this email. Because of the timeliness of this event, the seats are available only on the basis of "first come first served.”
Because of a previously planned trip, my Pilgrimage with the Martyrs of central America, I will miss the first sessions of the Training. But I didn’t want you to miss out. So see if this is something that your heart yearns for. And "be the change you want to see in the world” in this new year of grace!
Your Pastor, Fr. Bob
Rare Evangelization Training Opportunity Our parish has been asked by the diocese to partake in an unusual training in Evangelization Leadership for leaders in parishes. It is a Web Teleconference in both English and Spanish (at different times). This training will be interactive with only limited number of seats available. It is presented by Fr. Frank DeSanio in Washington, DC and paid for already.
The training in English will be in 6 sessions on consecutive Tuesday evenings from 7:00-8:15 PM: January 15 – Attitudes toward Evangelization; Jan 22 – Discovering the Joy of Encountering Christ; Jan 29 – Kerygma, Discovering and Articulating Good News; February 5 – Creating Missionary Parishes; February 12 – Evangelization Teams: The “Engine” of Parish Evangelization; February 19 – Evangelization Teams: Getting Started. Please contact Fran McElroy [267-496-1965] by Monday, Jan 14, to claim your seat for the training.
Training in Spanish will follow the same session plans but will have the first 3 sessions together on the morning of Saturday, January 19 from 8:30 am until noon. The second 3 sessions will also be on a Saturday, February 23, from 8:30 am until noon. Because a luncheon will be prepared for a one-hour discussion and conclusions afterwards, we need to know very soon who is interested in attending to claim their seat. Please contact Jesus Velez [912-580-9494] ASAP or at the latest, by January 16th.
Oportunidad de entrenamiento de evangelización poco frecuente
La diócesis ha pedido a nuestra parroquia que participe en una capacitación inusual en Liderazgo de Evangelización para líderes en parroquias. Es una teleconferencia web en inglés y español (en diferentes momentos). Esta capacitación será interactiva con un número limitado de asientos disponibles. Es presentado por el p. Frank DeSanio en Washington, DC y ya pagó.
La capacitación en inglés se realizará en 6 sesiones los martes por la tarde de 7: 00-8: 15 PM: 15 de enero - Actitudes hacia la evangelización; 22 de enero - Descubriendo la alegría de encontrar a Cristo; 29 de enero - Kerygma, descubriendo y articulando buenas noticias; 5 de febrero - Creación de parroquias misioneras; 12 de febrero - Equipos de evangelización: el “motor” de la evangelización parroquial; 19 de febrero - Equipos de evangelización: Primeros pasos. Comuníquese con Fran McElroy [267-496-1965] para reclamar su asiento para la capacitación.
La capacitación en español seguirá los mismos planes de sesión pero tendrá las primeras 3 sesiones juntas en la mañana del sábado 19 de enero de 8:30 a.m. hasta el mediodía. Las segundas 3 sesiones también tendrán lugar el sábado 23 de febrero, de 8:30 a.m. hasta el mediodía. Debido a que se preparará un almuerzo para una discusión y conclusiones de una hora después, necesitamos saber muy pronto quién está interesado en asistir para reclamar su asiento. Comuníquese con Jesus Velez [912-580-9494] mui pronto o, a más tardar, antes del 16 de enero.